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The undeniable advantages of FCPR

Marie Masquelin

A professional immerses himself in financial analysis at his well-kept desk, surrounded by plants, with coffee in hand, illustrating concentration and productivity.

Risk Mutual Funds (FCPR)

The FCPR is an undeniable asset for discerning investors, offering a unique combination of advantages such as :

  • A decorrelation tool Completely independent of traditional stock market fluctuations, the FCPR is a diversification tool that won't be affected by the same trends as the financial markets - and, at the moment, that's a pretty good idea. It's an investment that makes sense, given the current economic crisis, and the fact that many companies are finding it temporarily difficult to finance themselves. Investing in companies that are not listed on the stock market, but which are solid and long-lasting, is a way of supporting the French economy.

  • A performance driver Well selected by your preferred advisor, FCPRs are a real performance driver for your allocations, with annual returns of between 6 and 12%. It's also an investment that gives you access to funds reserved for Institutional Investors, and therefore to shares inaccessible to conventional investors.

  • An advantageous tax framework An excellent alternative to the PEA, the FCPR allows investors to benefit from a form of capital gains tax exemption (excluding CSG-CRDS) if they hold their shares for more than 5 years.

But as the name suggests...

It is important to note that to take advantage of these benefits, investors must accept a certain level of risk, such as:

  • Risks associated with the investment To benefit from tax advantages in France, investors must accept a certain amount of risk. The investment must not therefore represent a significant proportion of your assets and must meet your objectives and your appetite for the risk of capital loss.

If you'd like to find out how you can invest in an FCPR by following the steps to select a suitable #FCPR. Read on with our next article in the #FCPR series to learn more and consider how you can help support promising start-ups. #Investment #Innovation

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